Foods to Eat When Wanting to Have a Baby Girl

Recently, there's been a lot of press about what a woman eats and the gender or sex of the baby she ultimately conceives.  A recent study indicated that women who eat breakfast and consume more daily calories (about 2200) are more likely to conceive baby boys, while women who skipped breakfast and consumed less calories throughout the day were more likely to have a girl baby.

Although these studies were important in showing that there is a definite correlation that the foods you eat effect your baby's gender, this is really only the tip of the iceberg.  There are many variables in choosing the foods that help you have a baby girl.  This article will discuss which foods to eat and which foods to avoid - and why this method works in the first place.  


Why Foods Affect Your Conceiving A Girl: You may already know this, but when you want to conceive a daughter, the foods you eat can greatly affect your vaginal acidity and PH.  Why is this important? Because the sperm which produces a baby boy is much weaker and shorter lived than the sperm that produces a girl.  This is why you should conceive well before ovulation, so that you are giving the boy sperm a long time to wait, and you are ensuring that they have died off by the time you are most fertile and can easily get pregnant.

Foods to Eat When Wanting to Have a Baby Girl

But, another effective way to complete this process is by making your vaginal PH a very high number. Boy sperm are going to be greatly compromised in an acidic environment.  So, just skipping breakfast is not enough to really do the trick.  You'll also need to eat a diet high in acidic foods and very low (or devoid of) alkaline foods.

Consuming Calcium And Magnesium And Avoiding Potassium Foods When Trying To Have A Girl: Old wives tales will tell you that, to get a daughter, you should load up your diet with foods that are high in calcium (milk, cheese, yogurt) and magnesium (beans, legumes, leafy green foods) while you avoid foods that are high in potassium ( bananas, etc.) It is also said that you should avoid alcohol and caffeine (coffee AND chocolate).  There is somewhat of a scientific base to this advice, but again, this is only one piece of the puzzle, which leads me to my next point.

Examples Of Acidic Foods. (The Foods That Will Help You Conceive A Girl): If you really want a female baby, you'll need to go on a high PH diet and avoid the foods that can make your system more alkaline.  Examples of highly acidic foods (which you will need to eat a lot of) are many fruits (plums, prunes, cranberries) as well as meats, corn, fish and whole grains. When you are on an acidic diet, it will feel very restrictive.  It can be a bit difficult, but just keep thinking about your daughter and know that it will be worth it.

Examples Of Alkaline Foods (You Must Avoid And Steer Clear Of These): Consuming high acid foods is not going to do you any good if you counteract all of your hard work by eating alkaline foods. You must avoid these. Examples are almost all vegetables (except corn, as noted above), orange juice (remember to take folic acid supplements to replace this), potatoes, spinach, and watermelon.

Another Important Step: Changing your diet can be an effective way to get the right body chemistry to have a girl, but there is a faster way.  You can combine douching with your diet changes.  I know douching can seem old fashioned, but you'll only be doing it for a short period of time and it makes the process happen much more quickly.

If you don't believe me, go out and get some PH testing strips.  Test your vaginal PH and test again after one day on an acidic diet.  Note the changes and the move upward.  Now, douche with a solution based on how acidic you naturally are.  Retest again.  I'd be willing to bet that your reading increased more after the douching than after the foods, right?

If you absolutely don't want to douche, you can change your body through foods, but you'll have to do a really good job with self control and you should monitor your results to make sure you've gone high enough to chase all of the boy sperm away when you try to conceive.

Foods to Eat When Wanting to Have a Baby Girl

Conceive A Girl is a website I put together to offer step by step instructions, hints, tips, and resources for couples wishing to conceive a baby girl. You'll find resources for douche recipes and food lists, as well as ovulation predictors and PH test strips. Take a look if you like at

Baby Crying in Sleep? The Reasons Why Your Baby is Crying in Their Sleep

Are you up all night long because you have a baby crying in sleep? Does it scare you when you hear your baby in the middle of the night crying, and when you go to check on them, you find out that they are actually still sleeping? Are you completely confused at why this is happening? This article well reveal some of the various reasons why you have a baby crying in sleep so that both you and your baby can rest easy at night.

So why would a baby cry in their sleep anyway?


It is actually quite common for a baby to laugh, cry, giggle, talk, babble, mumble, scream, etc. in their sleep. There are a variety of reasons why you have a baby crying in sleep. To understand the reasons, it is important to know a bit about the way a baby functions at a physiological level. Since birth, a baby is in a constant state of growth. Also, it is a fact that the younger a child is, the faster the rate is at which they grow. With all of the various changes and growing occurring in a baby's body, it is completely normal to have a baby that is crying in sleep.

Baby Crying in Sleep? The Reasons Why Your Baby is Crying in Their Sleep

When you have a baby crying in sleep night after night, it is most likely because of the reasons of growth as stated above. For example, it is especially common that a baby cry while asleep during the teething stages. This can be a painful developmental process for your child, and since a majority of growth occurs during periods of rest, it is understandable why your baby would be crying while sleeping.

Another simple reason for a baby that is crying in sleep is that the baby is having a nightmare. It is believed that baby may be dreaming that their mother has gone away or is not near to them.

Baby Crying in Sleep? The Reasons Why Your Baby is Crying in Their Sleep

To sum it up, it is common to have your baby crying in sleep. In most cases, it is nothing to be too worried or concerned about. However, both you and your child may be losing hours of deep "R.E.M." sleep that is required to rejuvenate one's body. If you'd like both you and your baby to sleep soundly right through the night every night, the solution is at the Babies Crying At Night website. Don't wake up tired anymore; see how you and your baby can get the full-night's rest that you both deserve.

Author Chris Sweeney also runs a website called Eye Exercises To Improve Vision