Applying For an Infant Passport

Traveling with an infant brings unique challenges for first time parents. Car seats, diaper bags, changes of clothing and more become part of the new travel routine. Along with all of the standard baby gear, there may be one more thing to consider bringing along: an infant passport.

Passports are becoming increasingly important. Most borders cannot be crossed today without a passport, even the Mexican and Canadian borders. Infants are not exempt from this requirement. You cannot add an infant to a U.S. passport. Every citizen, including babies, must have his or her own passport. Anyone trying to cross a border with an infant who doesn't have a passport may be regarded with suspicion. Carrying a passport for an infant when you travel is just as important as carrying your own.


New parents often wonder when they should apply for an infant passport. The best answer is: as soon as possible. Obtaining a passport for an infant should be considered routine, just as applying for a birth certificate is. Even if you don't have international travel plans in your immediate future, it's still a good idea to apply for one. It usually takes about six weeks to have your application processed. Those who want to expedite the process and receive a passport in about two weeks can pay an extra fee of . However, by simply applying for it early on you can avoid this fee. You'll also avoid the stress of trying to obtain a passport while busy making travel plans.

Applying For an Infant Passport

Infant passports are obtained in the same manner as a child or adult passport. Infant passport applications may be downloaded from various travel service providers and government agencies. You may also obtain one in person from your local post office or immigration office. Infant passport requirements include:

*Presentation of your baby's birth certificate. If your child was born outside the United States, you must present the child's Naturalization Certificate or Certificate of Citizenship along with the birth certificate.

*Two official passport photos. They must be regulation size (2 inches by 2 inches) and should be taken by a professional photographer. Home-produced photographs are not accepted.

*The application fee, which is . Remember, it will cost an extra if you need to obtain it faster than six weeks.

The baby need not appear in person to be granted a passport. However, the person applying for it must be able to vouch for the identity of the child and present his or her own identification. Infant passports are valid for five years.

Traveling aside, it's useful to obtain a passport for an infant for other reasons. It is often the only form of official picture ID that a baby can obtain. Sometimes picture ID is required for registering for preschool or kindergarten, or may even be required for some domestic airline flights. Having official picture identification for your child is never a bad idea. Applying for it right from the beginning may save parents from unforeseen trouble down the road.

Applying For an Infant Passport

Relieving Infant Constipation Naturally

Your baby typically was not delivered with an instruction manual, and most of us parents can be caught off guard in the face of the stressful symptoms associated with infant constipation. Concerns for bowel obstructions, and the systemic toxicity that can build up when the diaper remains clean for too long can leave us feeling worried and helpless. Our great-grandmother's instinct to use natural folk remedies from her garden or kitchen is unfortunately mostly lost to us.

So up come your fears as your babe writhes in pain, pulling his knees up to his chest. Or maybe baby Egbert, hasn't passed stool in 3-4 days and you're wondering when the diaper is going to get filled, or maybe you are concerned that he might become toxic with the contents of the unexpressed stool, or worse, there might be a bowel obstruction and a visit to the emergency room is the right answer. As you ponder and scratch your chin, your baby may be getting more and more uncomfortable and your spouse is starting to panic, turning the heat up on your need to be in the know.


Most individuals would like to avoid conventional medicine and drugs, if they can, when it comes to simple infant constipation and leave those well trained medical folk to concentrate on bigger issues than a bit of jammed plumbing. Most of us know that, thankfully, a medical physician will rarely prescribe drugs to infants, including glycerin suppositories, as this seeming small and safe intervention feels invasive to a baby just months old. However, if the baby vomits or runs a fever with their constipation, the proper jurisdiction is the hospital as there could be an obstructed bowel in this case, and the Dr. will generally order an ultrasound just to be sure. However, there are a good number of things we can do at home before we have to darken their door.

Relieving Infant Constipation Naturally

A rule of thumb to be aware of is that breast-fed babes tend to pass stool more often than bottle-fed babes. The reason for this is that breast milk is more easily digested by your baby and 2 - 4 mostly odorless, grainy mustard-like stools a day is very common. Breast-fed babes also don't generally pass logs. This is reserved more for bottle fed babes who will pass a more well-formed stool 1 - 3 times per day. It is not uncommon, though, for these numbers to be slightly higher or lower depending on the model of baby you got. Some bottle fed babes go once every other day or so. This is normal as long as your baby feels content.

When you suspect that you are dealing with infant constipation, sufficient hydration is the first thing to consider. You can safely start by offering a small amount of purified water by mouth using a dropper. Babies sometimes can get a little backed up if a solid mass isn't softened enough. Occasionally, if the summer temperatures peak, your babe may need more hydration to keep things moving. Also, if you are transitioning your babe from breast to bottle, or cup, this can be a time that a little more water be introduced to prevent the typical cycling into constipation with the advent of goat's or cow's milk. We generally find that babes do better with organic raw goat's milk first and then organic raw cow's milk in a few months down the road.

Using diet to solve your babe's constipation is easy. Feed wholly on demand and be sure to throw away any schedule being offered by the wisest of grandparents. Many individuals suffer eating disorders today due to being restricted as infants and placed on a ridiculous schedule to fit their parent's needs. For example, babies will tend to "cluster feed" in the evenings in an effort to bulk up on nutrition for the longer stretches of sleep through the night before they break-fast in the morning. When your babe wakes at night, you can nurse, bottle feed or offer a little water depending on what you feel they need. Babies around 6 or 7 months will have soft regular stools with the slow, staggered introduction of pablums (cereals), vegetables, and fruits. If your babe's tongue pushes out more food than she takes in, it may be too early to start her on solids. Wait a week, or so, and then try introducing rice cereal again.

Infant massage also has brilliant benefits for bonding with your babe, and the added feature is that it also promotes healthy elimination of stool. After a warm bath, with a teaspoon of epsom or himalayan salts from your local health food store, you can lay your baby gently on her back and with a little olive or almond oil on your fingers, you can trace a gentle clockwise circle about 2 - 4 inches from her belly button with your fingers. You may not know it, but you are following the natural circuit of the large intestine and encouraging peristalsis (the squeezing action of the intestines) for the purpose of promoting elimination. Make sure baby is reacting favorably to this kind of stimulation as severe crying from cramping or colic isn't a normal reaction.

Essential oils naturally go hand-in-hand with these massage techniques, and there is a rich history of using different oils for specific therapeutic purposes. There are a variety of oil blends on the market used for constipation, and the most common ingredients found here are the oils of rosemary, lemon, and peppermint, to name a few. Essential oil therapy, in general, is also stimulating for the child's whole immune system, and will lead to side benefits beyond the current goal of relieving infant constipation.

The other baby massage technique that works well is the recumbent bicycle. While baby is on his back, you can take his legs and gently imitate the motion of riding a cosmic bike. This also acts to stimulate peristalsis in the same way that walking and movement helps us parents to stay regular. If during the baby massage, you feel hard or knotty stool, or you don't hear any gas bubbles when you put your ear to baby's tummy, it may be a sign of an obstruction from too much stool built up and the next action would be a trip to your medical practitioner for the appropriate remedy or intervention.

Unfortunately, there is no "one size fits all" remedy for your baby's infant constipation, however, gaining some wisdom and using some of these simple, safe and accessible tools and techniques can decrease your baby's suffering and provide you with peace of mind. The side effects of long-term medication or surgery is what most of us are interested in avoiding out of the love for our babies who rely on us for their total health and well-being. They deserve our best efforts and knowledge on their behalf.

Relieving Infant Constipation Naturally

Allyson McQuinn, DMH, is a Doctor of Medical Heilkunst and the co-owner of Arcanum Wholistic Clinic. She has been exploring Homeopathy and natural medicine since the early 1990s, when her autistic-spectrum baby prompted her to search for a cure. She has published the story of her journey in "The Path To Cure: The Whole Art of Healing" which is available at her website where you can also follow all of her latest writings distributed in her free monthly newsletter. She is currently developing a comprehensive resource guide for treating infant constipation with natural remedies, which is germinating at

Your Child Within Your Culture

The influences of culture play heavily into the making of the person of a child, creating oftentimes beautiful and sometimes bitter trends in development. But culture itself poses so much possibility it becomes difficult to establish what of culture affects child development.

Where Culture and Child Development Find Meaning:
How does one child react to this culture as compared to the other child within this same culture? One child may find the daily routine of the American cultural tradition of daycare to be invigorating, affecting the life beyond childhood and into an adulthood of active involvement in community. Another child, in the same daily routine, may find it overwhelming and grow up to avoid exposure to large groups, preferring a life path more secluded.


Culture and child development takes on meaning where it intersects with the degrees of sensitivity within each child. Within culture, we find the significance of the child's unique reaction to the culture of daily life and from that reaction is the influence on development.

Your Child Within Your Culture

Landmark Influences Common to All Cultures:
What is commonly experienced and can be identified as consistently influential in every life? While we cannot determine how each child will react to cultural influences, it is critical that the most important influences be identified in order to give children the best opportunities to thrive.

Studies and, plain observation itself, suggest three landmark influences prominent in the dynamics of culture and child development:

1. Security
2. Education
3. Socialization

There's no denying the fact that the physical and social surroundings of a child's daily world create or destroy the atmosphere of security. Cultural styles will directly influence just how much a child feels secure, molding the development of that internal security needful to venture out into life. To say a domino effect flows from the one level of either security or insecurity is to understate. Essentially, of all the possible cultural influences on child development, it is important to identify what will foster security.

From the influence of security a child moves forward into the world of education. Educational resources within any given culture will mold the development of a child powerfully by either broadening or narrowing the fields of possibility for that one life, weaving together with either a secure or insecure worldview. Obviously, where the culture upholds the value of education, the child develops more broadly and with more possibilities to prosper on every level.

From these influences and within them are the workings of socialization. Socialization is simply the integration into society as either a positive experience perpetuating healthy, balanced living or some variety of struggling to integrate, to sustain a thriving life.

Caretakers can hold to the consistent work of safeguarding security, of education and of socialization in order to help children develop appropriately. In the final analysis, culture and child development narrows itself down to the intimacy in relationships between caretakers and children, an intimacy that nurtures the best of security, education and socialization no matter the cultural tide.

Your Child Within Your Culture

Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about children within your culture [], please visit Parenting Advice Site [] for current articles and discussions.

Cub Scout Songs and How to Teach Them

If you are going to lead a group in cub scout songs, the best advice for you is to have fun and get silly; in fact the sillier, the better! Cub scout age boys have more energy than anybody I know. They are just bursting at the seams. To get them to sit still long enough to get something done takes talent, patience and nerves of steel. It only there were some way to bottle that energy, we could make a fortune.

A good way to harness that energy is to get them moving. Just because they are singing doesn't mean they have to sit still with their arms folded without moving a muscle. Here are a few good cub scout songs that should work for you:

  • My Bonnie: This is a good song to get the boys moving. Whenever you sing the letter "B", you go back and forth between sitting and standing. For example: My Bonnie (stand) lies over the ocean, My Bonnie (sit) lies over the sea, My Bonnie (stand) lies over the ocean. O, Bring (sit)Back (stand) my Bonnie (sit) to me. Bring (stand) Back (sit), Bring (stand) Back (sit), O Bring (stand) Back (sit) my Bonnie (stand) to me, to me. Bring (sit) Back (stand), Bring (sit) Back (stand), O Bring (sit) Back (stand) my Bonnie (sit) to me. I like to go faster each time we sing it.
  • There Ain't No Bugs On Me: You can use this to teach rhyming and put the boys minds to work. Have the cub scouts make up their own words for each new verse. You only have to change two words; just change "bugs" and "mugs" for two other words that rhyme. A few of my favorites are flies & guys; bees & knees; bears & hairs; ants & pants; cougars & boogers (booger is a cool word to a cub scout!); and many more that you can think of. There are some simple hand motions you can use on the chorus; move your finger around like a flying mosquito. As you sing:"Mosquito, he fly high" lift your finger up high "Mosquito, he fly low" put your finger down low" If old skeeter lands on me" land your finger on your knee, or shoulder, or another part of your body "He ain't gonna fly now more." On the word "ain't", slap that part of the body where the skeeter landed.
  • Jenny Jenkins: This is another song where the boys can make up their own verses. In the first verse, Jenny wears white. The word that rhymes with white is bright. Let the kids come up with different colors, and then think of a word that rhymes with that color. For example: red; I won't wear red, it's the color of my head. Or, I won't wear red, I'd rather stay in bed. Or, black; I won't wear black, I'd rather sit on a tack. Or, blue; I won't wear blue, I'd rather smell bobby's shoe. The possibilities are endless. Try to stick to one or two syllable colors. However, you can have a lot of fun trying to rhyme colors like "pomegranate, magenta, or lavendar".
  • Waddaly Atcha: This is another good movement song to sing while seated. The only part that moves is your hands and arms. These are the motions: Pat your legs twice; clap hands twice; pass one hand over the other twice; switch hands and do the same thing; with your index finger touch your nose then the opposite shoulder; repeat with the other index finger; wave goodbye twice with one hand; then repeat it with the other hand. That's it. Repeat over and over again until you or the boys have had enough. This is another song that is fun to speed up or slow down each time you sing it. Chumbara: I like to use this song for all ages and groups. It's simple to learn, having only one word. It's also easy to think up new verses. Anything word or combination of words with 3 syllables works best. You can use names like Ta-ba-tha or Jen-ny-Jones. You can use food like ho-mi-ny or rasp-ber-ry. You can use places like Ne-bra-ska or I-ta-ly. You don't have to stick to 3 syllable songs; try some 1, 2 or 4 or even more and see what happens!


Cub scouts also like songs like: Do Your Ears Hang Low; Nobody Likes Me; McGregor; and I Like Bananas, Coconuts and Grapes.

Cub Scout Songs and How to Teach Them

Any of these songs are excellent to sing with young boys. You can also use any of the songs for boy scouts, girl scouts and church youth groups. I have written articles for each of these groups, so check them out for more ideas. I am always looking for new songs to sing around a campfire. If you have some favorites you'd like to share, I would love to hear from you.

Cub Scout Songs and How to Teach Them

Roger Turner is a campfire song enthusiast. For more great tips and advice on cub scout songs visit He is also the editor of The Great American Campfire Songbook.

You cand find the words, music and chords to all the above songs in The Great American Campfire Songbook.

Infant Constipation Remedy - Baby Constipation Relief

Infant constipation means hard and infrequent stools. It does not mean grunting or straining. How often your infant should have a bowel movement depends on if your child is breast fed or bottle fed. Before you determine the best remedy, you should first determine if your infant is really constipated.

The colon works to maintain the body's fluid balance. The colon achieves this by removing water from the stool and eliminating waste. Waste is eliminated in the form of stool. Stools are formed as water along with nutrients and salts are absorbed by the colon. If stool remains in the colon too long, too much water is absorbed, leaving it dry and hard.


Breast fed infants are never technically constipated because the milk is easily absorbed by the baby and used. What is left is stool which is loose, curd-like, seedy and mucus. Breast fed stool do not have a foul smell. Exclusively breast fed infants can go several days between movements.

Infant Constipation Remedy - Baby Constipation Relief

When you notice your infant groaning, straining and making funny faces as he makes a bowel movement, your infant is not constipated. This is because the baby has not learned to control their abdominal and anal muscles to relax and expand when making a bowl movement. Once you introduce solids or formula, constipation may be become an issue.

Constipation in formula fed infants is very common. Infant formula is not as well digested as breast milk and more residues are left in the colon. Because formula takes longer to digest, the residue builds up, too much water is absorb and the stool becomes hard and pebble-like. It may be difficult and uncomfortable for your infant to pass. In this case straining and groaning may occur. Formula fed infants should have a bowel movement every 1-2 days.

If your infant is constipated here are some helpful remedies:

* Gently massage your infant's tummy. Stop if the baby seems to be in pain.

* Rotate the legs in a 'bicycle" movement. This causes the stomach muscles to move and stimulate the colon.

* Fruit Juice: Offer your infant a few ounces of fruit juice (apple, prune) until the bowels are moving.

* Try a gentle rectal exam. Insert a lubricated thermometer or Q-tip about a quarter inch into the rectum and wiggle it around. This really works so be prepared for what comes out.

* Karo syrup: Add about two teaspoons to formula. Corn syrup draws more fluid into the intestine, which makes stool less hard. Be sure not to give too much because diarrhea can occur

* Liquid Glycerin Suppositories for Infants: suppositories work by increasing water in the stool.

* For infants on solids offer prunes, peaches, pears, plums, apricots and peas. They make stools softer.

When to contact the doctor:

* If your infant cries while straining

* Constipation remains a persistent problem

* The number of wet diapers decreases each day

* Blood in stool or bleeding from anus

* Abdominal pain

* Reduced Appetite

Infant Constipation Remedy - Baby Constipation Relief

Kaaryn Walker is the editor of a website providing information on causes, symptoms and relief from constipation. To learn more about remedies for constipation in infants, adults, and seniors visit No More Constipation.

Children At Work: Looking at Child Labor in the Victorian Age

Today, it isn't that uncommon for some children and teenagers to work. They may earn extra money by baby-sitting, doing yard work, or maybe even walking dogs. Others, once they go on to high school, may go to work in their local grocery store, malls, or food chains. However, in the Victorian Age, it wouldn't seem at all strange to see children as young as five or six, go to work full-time (sometimes sixteen hours a day!) in often dangerous conditions.

As you read, ask yourself questions. Why do you think children so young were working? What type of jobs do you do for extra money? What types of jobs did the Victorian Age children have to do? What would you do to help stop child labor? How different do you think your life would be if instead of getting an education, you had to go to work in a paper mill, or on an assembly line?


Why Did it Happen?

Children At Work: Looking at Child Labor in the Victorian Age

During the first United States Census, the number of children working in 1870 equalled nearly 750,000. This only included children under the age of 15, and didn't count those children who were working on their family farms, or in the family's business. The number of children working continued to increase as new technology and the Industry grew. What were some of the things that caused families to send their children to work? What about the employers that hired them?


One mother in the Victorian Age, Mrs. Smith, said this:

"I have three children working in Wilson's mill; one 11, one 13, and the other 14. They work regular hours there. We don't complain. If they go to drop the hours, I don't know what poor people will do. We have hard work to live as it is... My Husband is one of the same mind about it... last summer my husband was 6 weeks ill; we pledged almost all our things to live; the things are not all out of pawn yet... We complain of nothing but short wages... My children have been in the mill three years. I have no complaint to make of their being beaten... I would rather they were beaten than fined."

Another roadblock to change was that most people thought that by letting children have jobs, it would serve to help the poor families to make more money.

There were many ways that children entered the workforce. Orphaned children were often sent to a distant mill or factory owner for feeding and care while working to earn their keep. Others were indentured, or sold to a business owner by their parents for a designated number of years. Other, more fortunate working children lived with their families while working full-time.

Industrial Needs

While some factory owners and leaders of the industries spoke out against putting children to work so young, others hired children because they weren't paid as much as adults did. Children were also hired for factory and mill jobs because many of the machines that they used were very small. In their eyes, children were the ideal candidates to work the machines, and to fix them when they broke.

It's also important to remember that children were raised and treated differently in the Victorian Age. There were some employers who didn't think that there was anything wrong with hiring young children to work. They believed that by hiring these children, the children would eventually grow-up as responsible, hard workers.

However, as you will see in the next section, many of the jobs that children obtained were often very hard, at times even dangerous.

Working for a Living

When teenagers go to work today, they can choose from many types of work. They can be cashiers, fry cooks, baby-sitters, front desk clerks, stockers or create their own lawn service. Children of the Victorian area didn't have these options.

So, what did these kids do for a living?

The most fortunate working children were hired on as apprentices for the major trades of the era. Some of these trades would include:

  • Blacksmith
  • Tinsmith
  • Cooper
  • Iron foundry
  • Cobbler
  • Lace making
  • Leatherworking

While the children were still required to work, and sometimes required to work long hours, they were at least lucky enough to learn a profitable trade, which offered hope to them for their future.

Younger children might have started out working as street sweepers, "scavengers" or by selling newspapers. Scavengers were children who searched through trash, rubbish and refuse for items they could sell to junk stores, or even to their neighbors. Some of these items might have included pieces of rope, or metal scraps.

Still other children went to work in more dangerous conditions.

  • Glass factories
  • Textile mills
  • Coal fields/mines
  • Cotton mills
  • Shipyards

These are only a few examples of the hard work children would face, sometimes working up to 90 hours a week!!

Sometimes the children who went to work and were often away from adult supervision would fall into criminal activity. They would wind up involved in things like gambling, stealing, and sometimes even prostitution.

Making a Difference

Many people worked very lard and hard to help protect children from being taken advantage of by the industries. Some key people who fought to control child labor were:

  • Charles Loring Brace - created the Children's Aid Society
  • Lewis Wikes Hine - photographer who exposed the child labor problem to the public at large
  • President Woodrow Wilson - created the Keating-Owen Act (see below)
  • Lord Ashley - created the Children's Employment Commission in 1842
  • Charles Dickens - wrote and spoke out against child labor. For more information, read Oliver Twist
  • Karl Marx - helped incite public opinion
  • Michael Sadler - worked on the "Ten-Hour Movement"

Organizations involved in gathering support from people and law makers to control child labor include:

  • "Short Time Committees"
  • The Children's Aid Society
  • The National Child Labor Committee

Progress was sometimes slow, but always encouraging. Several Factory Acts (1819-1878) emerged in England, which increased the minimum age of children who were able to work. Along with the Factory Acts, there was the "Ten-Hour Movement" which limited shifts to ten hours, with a weekly limit of fifty-eight hours. Other laws in England that influenced the change of child labor laws included Lord Ashley's Children's Employment Commission (1842), followed by the Coal Mines Act in 1843. This Act stopped the Coal Mines from hiring women, or boys under the age of ten.

In America, activists joined together in groups and coalitions to work for labor law and reform, or change. They received a small victory in 1916, when President Woodrow Wilson created the Keating-Owen Act, which banned the interstate (between two or more states) sale of any items produced by child labor. However, this Act was later deemed unconstitutional. The real victory came in the year 1938, with the Fair Labor Standards Act. This Act created a national minimum wage and set the national working age to sixteen (eighteen if the job was dangerous). Children aged 14 and 15 were allowed to work under certain conditions and fields of work, but only after school hours.

Because of the efforts of the Victorian people and the new laws it created for the children of England and America, child labor isn't as large of a problem... for us. But child labor hasn't disappeared! According to some recent surveys and studies done by the International Labor Office, estimated 250,000,000 kids between five and fourteen were working. Of these children, 120,000,000 are working full-time, often in dangerous conditions.

Take some time to think of ways that you can help with the modern day global child labor reform.

Children At Work: Looking at Child Labor in the Victorian Age

Jennifer Gibbs is a veteran writer, marketer and public relations pro currently living in Jacksonville, FL with her husband, Carey and her son, Ari. To add her to your professional network, add her to your LinkedIn connections at LinkedIn.

How to Tell If a Girl is Attracted to You

Women do not show their attraction the same way men do. They are a little bit reserved and it is not clear. Many men get confused as to whether a girl they have a crush on or a girlfriend is really attracted to them. If you study these signs, you will always be able to tell when a girl is attracted to you. Many men are getting rejected because they invest their emotions in girls who are not attracted to them. If attraction doors are closing right and left, do not despair and say good bye to dating. Rise to the occasion and equip yourself with the right tools. Know how to get the right signals and move on. For instance when a woman twists her hair when she notices your presence and looks at you twice before she finally approaches you she is attracted to you.

A girl is attracted to you if she looks embarrassed when your eyes meet. She also brushes against you every time she is passes past you. This is a body language that says that she is opening up to you. If you are not friends, you have higher chances of succeeding when you hit on her. If you observe such signs in a girl, walk up to her and approach her. If she makes the first interaction between you and her longer she finds you interesting. Asking questions is another obvious sign that someone is interested in who you are. It is also good sign if she gives comprehensive answers to your questions.


Men also have problems with the transition period. It is the period when lovers move from being friends to getting intimate. To know whether a girl is attracted to you sexually look out for some of these signs. She will stroke her neck, lick her lips and peek her mouth. You should know that you should take a step when she tilts her head sideways as her pupils dilate. Your jokes might be not too funny to giggle about but she giggles at every single of them. If she seems to like your conversation even when you are talking rubbish, if she does not object you touching her she might be too ready for you.

How to Tell If a Girl is Attracted to You

If a girl is attracted to you she will be more than willing to leave her friends and join you. Her laughing and patting your back whenever you tell a joke is an obvious good sign. Make a fuss about sleepy eyes. I agree with the dreamy eyes are very sexy and they send a message that your sexy advances might not be well received. Does she ask you whether you are single? You do not need another clue. That one sign is enough. If you have known a lady friend for some time you must want to know whether she is romantically attracted to you. If she says your name often in many conversations with her friends, there is a possibility of you being romantic friends because she is attracted to you.

How to Tell If a Girl is Attracted to You

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Girl is Attracted To You [] Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Girl is Attracted To You []

Easy Infant Halloween Costumes

Halloween night is drawing near and the race is on to find unique, infant Halloween costumes. We said our less than fond farewells to those smothering plastic masks that were once included in even the most cool costumes for kids. This in itself is a big improvement as it is difficult for even the most determined Trick or Treaters to have a good time when they are perspiring and uncomfortable. And when it comes to baby's first time out, they have a way of making their misery known. The best idea is to design Halloween outfits for infants that are not irritating to sensitive skin for the best chance of a pleasant night of Trick or Treating for the entire family.

Many modern infant Halloween costumes are actually embellished, sleepers with hoods that are decorated to resemble popular characters from television, the latest kids' movie or out of storybooks. Not only are they stylish, they are cute, and cuddly and easy to slip on and off in case of an emergency diaper change. For the family on a tight budget, baby's pajamas or a footed sleeper might be all the Halloween costume that is necessary for baby so long as you add a little bit of decorative face and an accessory or two.



Easy Infant Halloween Costumes

Carefully select baby safe paints that are water based and specifically designed for use on sensitive skin. Look for an indication on the packaging that indicates that the paint is FDA approved for use on infants. When painting designs on a baby's skin, there is a greater danger of an allergic reaction than there might be when face painting on older children, so you might want to do a test on a tiny spot a few days before Halloween and even then keep the size and number of your designs to a minimum.

Another caution that I would share is to use a brush with baby soft bristles or a cotton swab that won't scratch or irritate.


Whether baby's first infant Halloween costume is a baby bunny outfit, a kitty cat costume or a puppy dog, a few tiny whiskers or a paw print painted on baby's cheek will be sufficient. If you simply must take it a step further, you may want to paint the very end of baby's nose pink for the bunny and kitten costume or black for the puppy costume. If you have more than one child get all the kids in on the fun! Arrange for an entire family of kittens or puppies to go from house to house shouting Trick or Treat!


To big kids, the idea of being painted up like little Frankenstein or ghouls and zombies with solid green faces is irresistible. However, I would say that it would be a huge mistake to paint a baby's face solid white to look like a ghost. The best advice I can give for a successful Halloween costume for babies is to keep it simple.

The odds are that the excitement of baby's first Halloween will be as exhausting for baby as it was enjoyable for the adults. When the festivities are over, you will be left with a tired baby and a Halloween costume that has to be removed. At this stage, you will recognize the wisdom of keeping the amount of face paint and clothing that has to be removed to a minimum was a super plan. Sometimes a quick way to wind down the activities can be just as important as designing baby's first Halloween costume.

Easy Infant Halloween Costumes

Jan Bay's love of interior decorating and parenting motivated her to build a site, BABY BEDDING THEMES which features a comprehensive collection of articles on nursery design, decorative accessories, reviews and instructions for the proper use of safety equipment.

Use of this article requires an active link to Unique Infant Halloween Costume Ideas.

Child Support Payment Sample Letter

Any child support problems that may come about can be taken care of in court by submitting a letter of consideration to the judge. The following are some of the child support payment sample letters that any parent can make. A mother write a letter asking help of what she will do because she cannot afford anymore to pay child support on time. Another one is that her ex-spouse is being late with the child support, the check bounces or sometimes she is only given half of the amount agreed upon, she is asking if she can withhold the visitation.

Regarding the first child support payment sample letter of a mother that cannot pay the child support on time she also explained her reasons that she also has three children that are being supported and one in college, she cannot think of where to find money to support the child, she is disabled and no income at all but the court ordered the maximum payments and did not consider her other children. She is not intending to neglect her child support but the problems occur. In this manner the court advises her to settle changed circumstances to be considered in modifying her child support. She must notify the court of her problems in supporting her family and if she submits a changed circumstance request that is the only time wherein the court can decide about her letter.


The second payment sample letter is from a custodial parent who is having a problem receiving child support from her ex spouse; it is always late and lacking. She is asking if she can withhold visitation of her child. The court says that she cannot withhold visitation because child support and visitation are two separate legal issues. The courts do not like it when one party takes the law in his or her own hands to alleviate problems in child support. The court can charge the offending party, the one withholding visitation with penalties and if your ex-spouse decides to sue for custody, the action of withholding can be held against him or her. He or she can deal directly with each other to solve the problem, he or she must find out the problem that becomes the root of the delayed support. If after dealing with each other and no solutions are found then he or she can go to court and ask the court for support obligations. The court can order wage garnishment wherein the employer will be the one to deduct the child support from the paycheck.

Child Support Payment Sample Letter

The given child support payment sample letters can give some solution to those concerned who also have the same problem and are ashamed to open up. Wage garnishment is not so much used as a solution unless both parties decide to do so. The most important thing here is the withholding of visitation is not allowed. To avoid problems that will lead to a court hearing and you may be the one to pay for attorney's fee and other expenses with the court case. Some judges include COLA in their orders when setting child support. Because of this there is no need for modification requests based solely on cost of living increases.

Child Support Payment Sample Letter

Clifford Young is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about child support payment sample letter, please visit Paying Child Support for current articles and discussions.

Choosing The Most Suitable Baby Stroller For Your Child

When it comes to baby accessories, one of the most important things that parents should buy is a baby stroller. This is for the obvious fact that strollers are a convenient way of bringing your baby along when you go out on a grocery, shopping, or even when you want to take a walk in the park. Both parents and their babies benefit from strollers. For babies, they are treated to a smooth and comfortable ride when you take them outdoors. For parents, they will be able to save extra energy because they don't have to carry the baby in their arms.

This brings us to the next question: how do you choose the right baby stroller? There are many products being sold in the market. You can check out their display when you walk inside a baby store or baby section inside a mall. There are so many to choose from, and picking one can be a daunting task. It all boils down to these following important elements: the age of your baby, your lifestyle, your design preferences, how many can fit in, and of course, the price.


You can check out the many available reviews of baby stroller online to have a visual idea of which ones to pick. But to start off, let me give you a quick guide on how to choose the right baby stroller based on the above mentioned factors.

Choosing The Most Suitable Baby Stroller For Your Child

Stroller Frame - this is ideal for babies who are less than a year old. You can attach the stroller frame to an infant carrier. This is beneficial for mothers who have undergone C-section as this is lightweight, comfortable, and easy to handle.

Prams - these are the ones that have a fully reclining seat so that your baby can lie down every time he or she wants to. There are custom-made prams where you can easily adjust the seat so that your baby can sit up while you stroll along outdoors.

Single Strollers - these standard stroller is equipped with durable materials that will last long. It also includes a seat that can be fully reclined so your baby can enjoy maximum comfort. While these capacity strollers come in various designs, they can otherwise accommodate your child from infant to toddler.

Multi-capacity Strollers - these strollers come in double or triple seats that you can easily adjust according to your liking.

Lightweight Strollers - these types of strollers are suitable for children who are at least a year old. When it comes to functionality, the seat cannot be fully reclined. The lack of functionality however, makes up for its price. Lightweight strollers are the best if you're not looking for baby equipment fanfare.

All Terrain Jogging Strollers - as the name implies, these durable strollers are perfect for parents who have an active lifestyle. Whether you want to take a walk in the park or jog in a bumpy terrain, they are created to serve these purposes.

Baby strollers offer safety and convenience. With all the many choices out there, it is important to choose which ones suit your situation. To make it easier, follow the above mentioned tips or you can check out other baby stroller reviews online.

Choosing The Most Suitable Baby Stroller For Your Child

Visit to read in-depth reviews of baby strollers and other relevant information to guide you in your buying decision.

Juggling Pregnancy And Your Job

When you're pregnant, it's a full-time job on its own.

You are navigating through major physical and emotional changes while trying to find the time to fit in medical tests, doctor's appointments, childbirth classes - and many stops in between to use the nearest restroom.


The problem is, you can't focus solely on your pregnancy each day. You also have to somehow fit in work, too, even with the growing demands that arise with pregnancy. If you're healthy, you will likely be able to continue to work while pregnant, right up until delivery.

Juggling Pregnancy And Your Job

There are ways to make your job easier while you're expecting. Here are some ideas to think about:

Be safe and comfortable. Your safety and comfort if you are working while pregnant is important. If you're experiencing a normal, healthy pregnancy and you're employed in a safe environment, you should be able to remain working until you go into labor. This is often a big financial concern for many working expectant mothers.

During the first trimester, you may suffer from extreme fatigue and nausea at work, which can be embarrassing. Keep in mind for most women the nausea will subside by the second trimester and you'll likely regain much of your energy back. The third trimester you'll begin to get tired more easily and it may be a good idea to use some of the sick or vacation time you've been holding on to if you need to.

It's always good to be cautious while pregnant. Don't do any heavy lifting and avoid any strenuous activities. If you have a desk job, it may not be a problem, but if you're on your feet much of your day, it's a good idea to talk to your supervisor and to arrange if you can spend less time on your feet.

Becoming pregnant will change your priorities. It'll also mean you'll have to make changes in your job schedule to accommodate the various doctor appointments and medical tests that you'll need to leave for while pregnant.

Try to schedule your doctor appointments at the start or even before your workday begins, if possible, since you may become too tired to go to appointments in the afternoons or after work. If you must leave your job to go to a doctor's appointment, make sure to tell your boss in advance, and keep a record of your appointments, just in case someone questions where you are going. If you need to, ask your doctor to give you a note that verifies your appointments and give these notes to your boss or someone in human resources at your company if it becomes a problem.

You are going to have good days and bad days while pregnant and working. You may find yourself energetic and happy, then a difficult conversation minutes later will cause you to burst into tears. It's important to try to stay calm and act professional on the job, even when those pregnancy hormones seem to have taken over.

In order to ensure your working life goes smoothly, take care of yourself. Get plenty of sleep, eat healthy meals and look your best. Don't take on too big of a workload; it will only cause you more stress. If you're feeling unorganized due to a foggy pregnancy brain, try to make lists to help you remember.

If your coworkers are willing to help you out when you're feeling under the weather, take them up on their offers. If you are feeling overwhelmed at your job, take a short walk or a trip to the restroom to collect your thoughts and keep your emotions in check.

Remember, being pregnant is a marathon, not a sprint. Try not to be too hard on yourself.

Juggling Pregnancy And Your Job

For your free "Healthy Birth Booklet-6 Steps to a Safer Birth" filled with six simple steps that support and guide your decisions for a safer and healthier birth, both for you and your baby, visit the link below. the website for on-line childbirth classes
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Any reader should contact a licensed medical professional regarding their own condition.

Baby Gender Predictor

Using Morning Sickness as a Baby Gender Predictor.

Women who have bad morning sickness during pregnancy are more likely to have girls than boys. This was found to be the case by scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. The study of women who were pregnant found that out of the women affected with severe morning sickness 44 percent conceived boys compared to the 56 per cent who conceived girls.


The research found that women carrying girls have a higher level of a hormone which is called human chorionic gonadotropin, this can cause morning sickness.

Baby Gender Predictor

Smoking as a Baby Gender Predictor

There was a study performed in Scandinavia which looked into parents who smoked. The study found that if couples smoked it would lower their chances of conceiving a boy.

It was discovered that (Y) male sperm are more sensitive when introduced to a smoking environment than the (X) girl sperm.

Using Physical characteristics as a Baby Gender Predictor

A study was done at Liverpool University which looked at the length of couples fingers! It was found that couples who both have long ring fingers have a greater chance of having a boy. Long ring fingers is an indication that there is a higher than average testosterone levels.

Another study in New Zealand at the Auckland University found that assertive women are more prone to conceiving a boy (80 per cent). Assertive women have higher levels of testosterone.

Family situation as a Baby Gender Predictor

A study performed by the US National Bureau of Economic Research discovered that couples who were living together or married before conception were slightly more prone to conceiving a boy than those who did not.

A theory for this may be that (Y) male sperm are not as boisterous as the (Y) female sperm. The male sperm need more nurturing and caring for during pregnancy to survive. Therefore, a woman in a solid relationship may be better equipped to care for her child more during pregnancy.

Careers as a Baby Gender Predictor

A survey performed at the London School of Economics discovered that women with more 'masculine' jobs, such as engineering had a greater chance of conceiving a boy while women with a more caring or 'feminine' career, such as nursing or teaching, were more likely to conceive a girl.

Folk lore theory as a Baby Gender Predictor

There are a few mathematical theories according to folk lore. The more popular one combines the mother's age when conception took place with the month number (for example: May is 5, for fifth month on the calendar) she conceived.

If the resulting number is even, then the baby is a boy, while odd indicates a girl.

The Old Wives' Tales as a Baby Gender Predictor

There are so many old wives tales out there. Here are just a few: More likey to be carrying a boy if carrying the baby low, craving protein or salty food, have dry skin and be more prone to headaches.

On the other hand women are more likely to be carrying a girl if they crave sweet foods, carry high, suffer with mood swings, have dull hair during pregnancy.

Baby Gender Predictor

For more information on a baby gender test and to help you choose the gender of your baby visit my Baby Gender lens and to visit my blog, Mom Is Blogging []

Of course I almost forgot the good old hair test as a Baby Gender Predictor

The hair test is a very old wive tale (a common one). A wedding ring needs to be tied to a strand of the mother's hair and then suspended over her bump.

Then if the ring moves in circles it indicates the women is carrying a boy. Whereas, if it sways from side to side, this indicates the woman is carrying a girl.

Hayley Hewitt (mother of 2 angels sent from heaven)

What Are You Waiting For, Baby?

Let's face it - we all play "the waiting game" or perhaps more often, the "waiting game" plays with us! If we added up all the downtime spent while waiting, whether for an important call or a train or to hit the lottery, how many more hours in the day would there be to do something else - something undoubtedly more important than waiting?! Can it be said that often what we consider waiting or anticipating is really a disguise for procrastination?

The important call may or may not ever come; the train will pull in sooner or later; and hitting the lottery is, at best, highly unlikely. But most of us have joined the ranks of the instantaneous gratification camp, surrounded by reminders of what time it is... on our computers, cell phones, wrist watches, home and office clocks... and even by location of the sunrise, while waiting for summer. Unfortunately, all this time-watching and waiting doesn't produce any pronto result. It only wastes more time! Just like the saying "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans", have we forgotten about living the moment we are in right now?


Well, there are times when putting something off because we are waiting for something else to happen first is valid, like waiting for a deposit to the bank account so you can pay your bills. But what to do if what you're waiting for can't be rushed or forced... like waiting for a baby to arrive? Since this baby is due soon, what needed to happen first has, indeed, already happened. There is no instant gratification, and Mother Nature doesn't operate on the mindset of procrastination, so there isn't anything you can do... except patiently wait for the baby's arrival into our world.

What Are You Waiting For, Baby?

In the beginning, the approximate nine months seem so far into the future. Amazingly, however, the days and months pass by quickly while other events take place... doctor appointments, purchasing the necessities, sonograms, the baby shower and, of course, the ever-growing belly. There was no waiting for a name to be decided upon for this little one, nor any procrastination in preparing for all the essentials - a crib, a changing table, swing, playpen, bottle warmer, diaper pail, high chair... and, the best part of it... the absolutely adorable clothes, blankets, socks and hats, toys and baby gift baskets overflowing with fun and useful things for the little person! Fortunately, nobody said we had to wait to start buying the cute stuff... which proved tremendously helpful with "enjoying the moment"!

Until eight months ago, I wasn't waiting to be a grandmother. I believed, and still do, that everything that is meant to be will be. And in its own sweet time. But now I am very much waiting for this grand baby, and I know this is all I am able to do. Growing up, my mother would always say to my sisters and me that "anything worthwhile is worth waiting for", and there couldn't possibly be a more exciting and worthwhile occurrence to await. So, I say take your time, baby, we will all be here waiting for you with open arms when it is your time to end our wait!

What Are You Waiting For, Baby?

Joyce Galle, Author

In the meantime, if you are waiting for a baby or grand baby and searching for the perfect shower or newborn gift, go to [], where you will find a delightful array of charming and practical baby gifts for the special angel in your world! You will find everything from adorable baby clothes, plush baby blankets, a large assortment of baby gift baskets, baby rocking chairs and step stools, baby jewelry, and so much more! For an extra special touch, personalization is available on many of these items, as is complimentary gift wrap. Check it out!

Tips to Get Free Baby Products

It goes without saying that a baby is a bundle of joy. The babies are harbingers of happiness. But they are also expensive. As parents you would have to compromise on many things and expenses to make your baby comfortable and happy. There times when you will have to live in a shoestring budget because the expenditure on diapers and baby food will be high. Whether it is your first baby or the fourth one, there are many programs and companies that offer many free baby products. Let's take a look at the tips on how to get free baby products.

Tips to Get Free Baby Products


Get a new email account - There are many online sites that offer free coupons for new mothers and their babies. They would also send their promotional letters and brochures to your email address. To avoid the clutter and spam in your regular email id, its better to create another email account. Use this account for all the online programs.

Tips to Get Free Baby Products

Your doctor's place- You can ask your gynaecologist/obstrecian about the freebies. The manufacturers of baby products leave a lot of stuff with the doctors such as baby cream samples, free subscription coupons to parenting magazines, diapers and many more.

Enrol for various programs - There are many programs in which the pregnant women can enroll. Some of the programs give away free diaper bags filled with freebies, a travel bag for your hospital stay, pregnancy journals and many more. There are a few programs which give away products at a very minimal cost.

Signup in various websites that sell baby-products - Many baby products manufacturing companies are throwing freebies as samples to attract potential customers. You should take advantage of the schemes provided by these companies. It is just not about free baby products. There are offers and freebies for mom-to-be.

Check your email account and mailbox regularly - If you have subscribed with many programs, when your due dates gets closer, there are companies that will offer baby care books, diapers and creams at discounted rates. You might even get offers from reputed portrait studios for you and the newborn.

There are many local mom and pop shops that offers freebies on baby products to their regular customers. You should not shy away from such offers. Remember, if you are planning to use disposable diapers they would actually leave a big hole in your monthly expense. However, use the disposable diapers and baby creams and lotions that would suit the skin of your child.

Tips to Get Free Baby Products

A blogger with

How to Prepare Your Relationship for a New Baby

When there's a new baby on the way, expectant parents tend to spend a boat-load of time preparing for the baby, and even preparing to be new parents; which is great! However, it's also really important to prepare for how this little bundle of joy is going to affect your relationship.

Trust me, it isn't all sunshine, rainbows, and pacifiers; it's hard work! Preparing your relationship for this huge tide shift should be just as important as preparing for the baby, and if you do so in advance, you just might find that you'll have more focus as new parents once the baby comes.


Sleep Now & Enjoy It

How to Prepare Your Relationship for a New Baby

As expectant parents you should just go ahead and revel in the delight of sleep, because it will be in short supply once you make the transition into being new parents. Enjoy that you get to sleep together-at the same time-and start discussing how this will change, how you will handle it, and how important it will be that both of you have it. This kind of mental preparation and pre-planning will keep any arguments about who gets more sleep, or who should get more sleep, out of your relationship once baby gets here.

Go Ahead & Pre-Discuss "Taking Breaks from Baby"

New Parents tend to feel like they're being bad parents when they inevitably need a break from the baby. Dump the guilt! Everyone needs a break!

Discuss this now and set up a game plan for keeping each other sane, and for nipping any "burn outs" in the bud before they occur. Plan on once a week dates -a meal together, a movie, just time alone. Ask family to babysit, or find a good babysitter. You only need a couple of hours away to breathe new life into your relationship.

Hey Mom-He's the Dad, Not a "Third Wheel"

New moms can get very focused on their child and understandably so. This becomes a problem when dad starts to feel left out of the "cool kids" crowd. Being aware, as a new mom, can prevent hurt feelings before they happen.

I'm a New Mom-Not a Sex-kitten!

For new moms, it's very normal for you to not feel as frisky as you did pre-baby. You're sleep-deprived and at someone's beck and call 24/7. Expectant parents should expect your sex life to take a hit for at least 6 months after baby arrives. It's very simple: expect it! You can make it easier on each other by relating with thoughtfulness, touch, hug, hold hands, even if it doesn't lead to sex. Plan those intimate times -yes- put them in your calendar. Get a babysitter and spend time alone.

Everyone Suddenly Has an Opinion

As new parents, expect family, friends, and even co-workers, to come out of the woodwork armed and ready with a slew of parenting advice. Trust your own instincts and make your own decisions. That isn't to say that you shouldn't be open to advice and listen to guidance, but only you know what's right for your family.

Share the Work Load-Compromise & Problem Solve Together

Expectant parents should strategize and plan ahead! Right now, you know exactly what kind of jobs you have, how much work around the house needs to be done, especially if you already have other children. You know who's getting up to breastfeed in the middle of the night. So, discuss a game plan. Make a schedule, assign duties, and make it a joint effort that both of you can agree upon-be willing to make compromises! Studies show that when dads are involved, new moms suffer less from depression.

Be Flexible and Lower Your Expectations!

Hey guys, you're new parents! Congratulations! This is a wonderful thing for, and a challenge to, your relationship. Adversity and challenges are going to come up, sure, but if you can be flexible and lower your expectations of each other, you'll be able to revel in the bliss, charm, and magic of being new parents.

As new parents,don't get bogged down by worries about the transition to come. With a bit of foresight and give and take, you'll be able to handle any changes that come your way!

How to Prepare Your Relationship for a New Baby

For advice on how to create a safe and healthy birth, go to and get information, advice, and online childbirth classes. Just for visiting, you can download a Free "Healthy Birth Booklet-6 Steps to a Safer Birth"!

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Any reader should contact a licensed medical professional regarding their own condition.

Sleep Little Baby - Hypnotic Sales Techniques You Can Use Now

I'm a big fan of hypnotic sales techniques. Admittedly it's not everyone's cup of tea but if your intentions are sound, your morals solid and you're trustworthy, then why not since it speeds up the selling process.

After all, your customer's attention spans are so tiny now, anything we can do to shorten the cycle, the better.


To understand hypnotic selling, you want to be aware of the manner in which it works. Bombard the conscious mind with normal things - language, words, conversation, visual images - you know the usual selling stuff. This occupies the conscious mind.

Sleep Little Baby - Hypnotic Sales Techniques You Can Use Now

Meanwhile you slip in commands through the back door right into the back of their mind, so they don't have time to process them through the front door, which changes things, believe me.

There's nothing better than to settle down to watch a modern cartoon movie. On holiday this year I watched Puss in Boots, fantastic film and full of double entendres. You know these kinds of film appeal to children and adults alike because they have two simultaneous messages - one for the child and one for the adult. Many lines have two meanings but only one meaning is picked up by the viewers - hopefully the right one for them.

In the same way, that's how we sell hypnotically. Double meanings in our language.

Let me show you some techniques to spring forward your hypnotic selling.


The best way to bombard the conscious mind is to put the customer into a low level trance. Think glued in front of Downton Abbey when the best bit happens. Not Derren Brown on the big stage - that's for hypnotists, we're just doing low trancing.


Whatever your voice sounds like now, change it. Make it deep and slow. That's it, simple. Deepen it one notch on the octave scale and slow down - a lot.

Relax them

Use trance based language liberally in your speaking. Trance words will put the customer into a mild trance. Some words which bring on a trance:

  • Imagine - is a great one because you can use this use this easily in your words "imagine what it'll feel like in 2 months' time". "I'd like you to imagine waking up in the morning knowing that your investments are growing in value"

  • Sleepy words such as - relax, unwind, calm down, slow down, loosen up, settle down, rest assured... zzzz. If you suggest sleep, then people will act and go into trance.

Encourage them

"That's it... that's right... it is within your budget"

Take control

Give the customer instructions, tell them what they should be doing. Show them where to sit down, say what you want them to think, you'll be amazed how receptive they will be.

Agree with them all the way

Use agreement language, after all, everyone likes to be right but then add your point.

"I agree with you on that one... and I would add also... "

"Yes you're right, that's right... another angle is... "


Wear pink if you can. A pink tie, blouse, shirt. Pink is known to have soporific qualities. It's to do with us becoming accustomed to a pink sunset and sunrise which has anchored warm, relaxing, safe feelings in us since time began.

Take action

As always you have to do something. Let me help you do this because you'd like a neat plan wouldn't you since this will help you begin hypnotic selling yet remain full of morals and integrity as I only show those people these little secrets. Have fun.

Oh, I almost forgot, take one a day and bring it into your selling for that day, the next day, use another. Practice until it becomes second nature and don't start dangling a clock-watch or encouraging people to stare into your eyes - that's nonsense.

Sleep Little Baby - Hypnotic Sales Techniques You Can Use Now

Paul is an international speaker, sales trainer, author and coach based in the UK. His expertise and experience is in selling and sales coaching, his books and articles focus on rapport selling which puts the customer at the heart of the sale. Visit his website to sign up for his Weekly Sales and Coaching Tips or visit his blog at where you'll find his unique style of weekly blog posts for you to enjoy.

Plan The Baby You Want

In the recent years the gender selection of a future child has become a major topic. According to a recent poll 87% of all women interviewed had already decided on whether they wanted a boy or girl. The rest did not seem overly concerned what came their way.

In the old days a subject of this nature would hardly qualify as a topic at any discussion. Families were large and people were more religious. Amidst half a dozen children, an additional boy or a girl hardly made a difference to the arrangements in the family. "More the merrier" and a "happy clan" was all that mattered. Professional opportunities were limited and people were content to take things as they came.


Times are different now. People want good things in life and for most parents, two children is enough. For others, the choice could be driven by economic circumstances. Times are hard, education is more expensive and both parents need to work. This makes it hard on them to look after larger families.

Plan The Baby You Want

The choice of a boy or a girl is partially influenced by the environment the parents grew up in. Either one may have had their share of brothers and sisters, or sadly, no one of the opposite sex within the siblings.

Yet young parents are often shy and hesitant about whether they should really plan their baby boy or girl. At this stage it would be wise to remember that there is no breach of ethics involved. The entire program is based on teaching you when it is the right time to conceive, and how best to go about it. By just making a few small adjustments to diet, routine, and timing, thousands of people utilizing these techniques have successfully given birth to the baby they always wanted. This, happily, changed their lives forever.

To view it objectively, gender selection is your ability to choose a girl or a boy before you get pregnant by using some natural methods to assist you in favoring the odds towards the sex of the baby you select.

Some parents pretend they don't care. "Thank God we have children" is a flattering thought when compared with the unfortunate couples who have none. But let them be honest about the times they have secretly wondered what it would have been to have a boy and a girl instead of two boys or girls.

For generations, families all over the world have displayed remarkable curiosity over the sex of the baby to be born, and quite vocal about whether it was a boy or girl they wanted. Over 50 years ago, this prompted an American physician, Dr. Landrum Shettles to embark on a life long mission to discover, naturally, a method which would eventually leave the choice of a baby boy or girl with the parents. Working alone, and with medical advancement still in a state of infancy, the pioneering doctor came up with this remarkable discovery which was later termed as the "Shettles Method".

Notwithstanding the controversy and the criticism, which is inevitable in such cases, he labored on to achieve a success rate of 80% or higher. His method is highlighted in his best selling book "How to Choose the Sex of your Baby".

On the other hand, Alicia Pennington, author of the popular "Prince or Princess" series was a midwife for a number of years during which she developed and almost perfected her own method of gender selection. It would be safe to assume that with the progress in medical science, and her on the job experience, she greatly improved on the Shettles Method to claim a remarkable 94% success rate.

This guide has helped thousands of families all around the world. Yet, it is in the nature of things that nothing is guaranteed. So let the skeptics, like everyone else take their chances. At worst, you can still end up being the happy parent of a healthy, bouncing baby.

Plan The Baby You Want

Capt. R.P.Bhalla is a retired airline captain and an expert in social affairs. He writes exclusively on Family, Health and Money matters.

Oh, Baby, Baby, What a Nursery!

Baby, Babe, Bebe, infant, wee one, no matter how you say it, it equals love.

Their eyes, their fingers...and oh, those cheeks! Who can resist the chance to cradle a baby in their arms?


When you realize that one of these precious cherubs is about to come into your life, one of the first projects that pops into your head is 'the nursery' and that is only the beginning. As parents, it is only natural to want to provide safe and warm surroundings for our most precious gift.

Oh, Baby, Baby, What a Nursery!

Where do you start? Well this is an easy one, you'll need to assess your available square footage and how close you will be for those late night feedings. The next step is to make sure there is some form of natural lighting, preferably at least one window so that the baby does not get their days and nights mixed up so easily.


Paint color is probably one the first things you will need to address. When selecting a color palette remember that you will be looking at it as well...and, for awhile! It is nice if the paint color compliments the overall temperature of the paint colors in the rest of your home. For example, if you are choosing a pink and the rest of your home is in a warm (yellow base) color palette, then select a pink that has a warm or perfectly neutral base as well. Try to stay away from a cool (blue base) pink within a warmer home palette. It works the same when selecting a wall color to add to an already cool color home palette, make certain that this nursery color has a blue or neutral base as well. This should not be a difficult task for your paint store to help you with.

It is also very important to ask for a paint with a low VOC level. The VOCs are volatile organic compounds that are found in many paints.


Another nursery element to consider is closet space. The traditional closet would certainly be a bonus, but not a necessity; armoires and dressers could also fit the bill. If you do have a closet, a nice way to save space in the nursery is to install hip height (or so) dressers/cabinets. Put as many that will fit (depth and width wise) in the closet for all of the baby's clothing and accessories. Before you do this make sure to remove the closet doors and store them in an attic or basement for those teen years to come!

On top of the built in cabinets you can add a fitted changing cushion and trim the unit in a short spindle molding of sorts to keep the changing cushion from sliding off. The clothing bar is still above in the closet where it is usually hung. Make certain to part the clothing from one side to the other so that it doesn't hang in the baby's face while being changed. Now that you have recovered your floor space from dressers and changing tables you might want to use this space for a rocker, play area or possibly a twin/day bed. Keeping up to date with possible recalls on your baby's crib and mattress is very important, these items are constantly being reviewed.

Fabrics & Accessories

Will you know the sex of your baby? This can be a great help when selecting your color palette and fabrics. If you won't or do not want to know the baby's sex, there are many different color choices that are certainly appropriate for both.

You can keep accessories to a minimum at first, then add to your design once the baby arrives. Remember that there is plenty of time to add an additional gender driven color after the baby arrives with fabrics or trims. Selecting additional boy/girl accessories (and putting them aside) before the baby comes, will allow you to effortlessly fold them into your existing nursery project and it can also allow more time for you and your little one to get to know each other.

Fabric and patterns is a logical next step or you may have chosen them first and pulled your wall color from them. You may have already fallen for a specific pattern or theme in ready made crib and window treatments, or you may have something else in mind, possibly in the direction of custom design. Either way, make certain that the crib attire is done in washable fabrics. If having the crib attire custom made, check that all of the fabric has been pre-washed and dried before any fabrication takes place. This will prevent it from shrinking the first time you wash it, so it will continue to fit the crib. Cottons are always a safe bet.

A good rule of thumb is to start with three patterns and two solids when selecting a pattern scheme. Start with a large scale (feature) print, next is your medium pattern and alas, a small scale dot or check pattern type for the third in your selection. The two solids should have something to do with the colors either in your three fabric patterns and/or your wall colors.

Accessories can be the icing on your cake! Have fun, and make sure that what you are selecting is lead free and hung securely. There must be no chance of danger to the baby of the wall items falling into the crib, or these items being pulled down by the baby as they learn to stand and tug.

Shelving in pairs always carries a creative impact as does grouping children's art or mirrors.
Remember, just because the baby is tiny, doesn't mean that the wall accessories have to be tiny as well. I see this happen often when people try to display items on nursery walls. They have large wall spaces and tiny little letters, shelves or framed pieces that are lost in the room. Remember people, scale, scale, scale! The accessories for the walls need to compliment the scale of the room, not the baby's weight on the scale.


Lighting is often overlooked in a child's room. I always try to bring ceiling lighting into the nursery theme/design while making selections. Be it a girly girl chandelier or a ships wheel ceiling fixture for a sailboat theme, its nice to plan your lighting pattern from top to bottom. My second lighting selection would be table top or nightstand height lighting and last should be a night light to brighten up your walking path in the late evenings to and from the crib. A dimmer switch on the ceiling light helps to not wake the baby when you hit the wall switch entering the room. Ceiling fans are thought to be a bad choice around young babies, so if a fan is needed, try a floor standing oscillating style.

When selecting floor coverings (in a perfect world) the healthiest way to go would be hardwoods with an area rug. Hard surface flooring lessens the chance of allergies and is easier to maintain. Make certain that the dimensions of the area rug you select are large enough for you all to get down on the floor and play together. A quilt over the area rug while playing will be easy to throw in the wash if there are any accidents.

Trying to complete this project two to three months before the baby's arrival gives you optimum time to relax and enjoy the nursery yourselves. You will ponder what color his hair may be (if any at all) or who's smile she'll have while you sit in a rocker admiring the outcome of your beautiful nursery project!

Oh, Baby, Baby, What a Nursery!

Sandra Lyke has been in the interior design business for fifteen years working with clients from coast to coast in North America. Her inspiration comes from her travels around the world as well as the unique needs of her clientele. Sandra works closely on every project large and small from home renovations and commercial design to color palette and accessory selection.

You can contact and find out more about Sandra Lyke and her designs by going to

Baby Blanket Knitting Projects - Standard Baby Blanket Sizes

So, you're ready to knit your first baby blanket. You've oohed and aah-ed over pictures of sweet, soft, and comfy blankets that are perfect to snuggle a sweet little baby. You've walked the aisles of your favorite yarn store and felt every pastel yarn there is, testing the softness. You've fantasized about holding your precious bundle in a blanket you handcrafted with your own two hands or you've basked in the admiration you'll receive as your friend opens your gift at the next baby shower.

Then reality hits. You have an idea of the perfect hand-knit blanket but a few 'minor details' are missing -- like what size this blanket should be. This is a good question and unless you have a great deal of experience with knitting or babies or both, you're probably at a loss as to what to do next.


Blanket Sizes

Baby Blanket Knitting Projects - Standard Baby Blanket Sizes

When it comes to baby blankets, there are three main sizes -- crib blankets, swaddling blankets, and receiving blankets. You may not have known it, but each of these has a specific purpose.

· Crib Blankets -- These blankets do exactly what the name says -- they are for the crib. Think of this blanket as a bedspread for the baby crib. This blanket is usually around 36" x 52" and while it's perfect for making the crib look nice and keeping an older baby warm at night, it is too big to swaddle a small baby. If you want to knit a blanket to decorate the baby's room, this is it.

· Swaddling Blankets -- This blanket is the small blanket you use when the baby first comes home from the hospital. Usually lightweight, it is about 30" square and is perfect to wrap tightly around a baby to give them that 'in the womb' feeling. This is a good blanket to swaddle a baby and give her a sense of security when putting her down for a nap.

· Receiving Blankets -- If you want to get the most use possible, knit a blanket, knit a receiving blanket that is 34" x 36" is perfect. This size is works best because it's small enough to snuggle a small baby but also perfect for the baby to carry around when he reaches toddler age. This size works great in baby carriers and car seats and is pretty much an all-purpose blanket.

Now that you know the standard sizes, all you have to do is decide on the baby blanket that best suits your needs. Once you've made that decision, choose your favorite pattern, buy your yarn and get those knitting needles clicking.

Baby Blanket Knitting Projects - Standard Baby Blanket Sizes

For more tips to help you knit the perfect baby blanket and free baby blanket knitting patterns to get you started, visit

Baby Helmets for Treating Flat Head Syndrome

When your child is diagnosed with severe plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, or scaphocephaly, you may be left wondering about the treatment options available. In the most severe cases where physical therapy and repositioning have proven ineffective, orthotic helmets or bands are prescribed. In this article, we'll review the different types of orthotic devices available, the average cost, and some issues that you may run into if you are considering this treatment, such as insurance.

If your doctor or physician has recommended the use of an orthotic device to remedy your child's flat head, your options are numerous. Many smaller orthotic companies produce their own devices, although most in the United States now recommend that their patients use the STAR family of products, Boston Band, or the DOC band. These companies have become industry leaders due to their ability to provide customized products at low cost to a large number of patients across the US. They may work directly with your physician or through local clinics. In other countries, different manufacturer options are available.


Helmets and bands work along similar principles. Some individuals choose to distinguish between active and passive orthotic devices - although for many of the orthotic devices available today, the difference between the two is negligible. This is, in part, the result of most helmets and bands being considered passive devices or falling in a gray area between active and passive. The primary difference between the two, as currently viewed, is the snugness of fit. Active devices fit more tightly than their passive counterparts. Self-described active orthotics currently in use for the treatment of flat head syndrome include the STARband, STARlight band, STARband bi-valve, STARlight bi-valve, STARlight cap, DOC band, and the Hanger cranial band. Passive helmets and bands include the Clarren helmet and the Boston band.

Baby Helmets for Treating Flat Head Syndrome

Treatment with a helmet or band lasts an average of 2-4 months and the cost varies widely, from 00-00 per helmet or band. Some children will require more than one orthotic device, depending on the severity of their condition and the type of orthotic helmet or band used to correct the deformity. Some designs are intended to accommodate for skull growth and can be adjusted as your baby ages, while others are expected to be replaced as the cranium changes and develops with age. If your baby gets a cranial helmet, they will need to visit the clinic frequently for adjustments, normally every one to two weeks.

Many parents are concerned, and rightly so, about the position which their insurance company takes regarding their child's condition. Luckily, much of the necessary information is available on-line. In order to prepare yourself for an insurance claim, you can thoroughly research the ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes, HCPCS procedure codes, and billing practices of your insurance company regarding the treatment of baby flat head syndrome or positional plagiocephaly, brachycephaly and scaphocephaly. You may wish to consult carefully with your orthotic provider before proceeding with treatment in order to determine the amount you will have to cover out of pocket, and what their track record has been for collaboration with your insurance company. Some clinics only work with a limited number of insurance companies. Sometimes, the preference for one code over another or the use of an outdated code can cause huge insurance headaches or the denial of coverage that would normally have been provided, which is why it can really help to do your homework.

If you filed an insurance claim for your child's helmet or band and have been denied coverage because it is considered a cosmetic problem, you can write an appeal letter. The status of plagiocephaly, brachycephaly and scaphocephaly as real medical conditions with long-term health ramifications is still underway. Many insurance companies have faced law suits in recent years, and are beginning to recognize the need to provide coverage for infants and children with these conditions. Look up examples on-line, and contact other parents via forums and support groups in order to bolster your appeal.

Once you have completed the appeal process, if your company still denies coverage, you can re-appeal, or look for other funding options. Additionally, there are some non-profit organizations and foundations dedicated to securing funding for children in need of treatment for flat head syndrome.

Baby Helmets for Treating Flat Head Syndrome

Sarah A. Davidson invites you to learn more about how to treat and prevent baby flat head syndrome on her blog, Baby Flat Head Syndrome. There you can find practical tips, parents' stories, videos, and information about the latest research on baby flat head syndrome, as well as more advice and resources for dealing with insurance companies. You are welcome to share your own experiences with flat head syndrome to help other parents dealing with this issue.

Pregnancy Predictor: How Reliable Are The Tests

Pregnancy predictor tests become necessary at certain ages of a woman Young women want to know if they are pregnant or not while older ones want to know if they still have a good chance of conceiving. Pregnant women may want to know in advance, the sex of the baby they are carrying. This article will discuss some of the pregnancy predicting options available to women and how reliable they are.

First, it should be clear that the most reliable pregnancy predicting tests are with the medics and the results of such are more reliable. And the medics have varieties of methods to choose from.


Most self-pregnancy predictors rely on the principle that when a woman is pregnant the body develops a kind of hormone called human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG). This hormone present in the pregnant woman's urine is the one worked upon by most pregnancy test methods. It is accepted that when this special hormone is detected in a woman's urine, such lady is pregnant.

Pregnancy Predictor: How Reliable Are The Tests

Pregnancy Predictor Using Baking Soda.

Put some measure of baking soda in a jar and add some quantity of the woman's urine. If it fizzles, you are going to have a boy. If there are no reactions, you will have a girl.

Drano Test.

Put some measure of Drano (2 tablespoons will do) in a white glass, add some quantity of her urine. A chemical reaction will occur which you must allow to cool down. After cooling down and within 10 and 15 seconds check the color of the solution. A darker color going to brown predicts a boy.

Anti-Mullerian Hormone Or AMH Test

This test is done to test a woman's fertility using her blood and is usually performed on older women. Women approaching the age of 40 years do not have much time on their side. Scientifically, it is known the ovarian eggs decrease both in quantity and quality with tie. When a woman is young she produces the eggs in thousands but this decreases with age to the extent that when a woman is about 35, the eggs she produces could have reduced to 50% of what she produced when she was 22. Costing about 0, the test is about 70% correct and is one of those tests you can only get done by a medic.

Pregnancy Predictor Kits

There are pregnancy predictor kits on the market and they are many. Two among them are the Gendermaker and one simply called Predictor. Both work on the principle of the special hormone, human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) produced by pregnant women. For the Gender maker the urine is applied to the instrument. Blue result means you are having a boy while pink predicts a girl.

The predictor uses a urine absorbing stick with two windows. The stick is dipped into the woman's urine and cocked back. Allow to rest for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes if, a purple/pink line appears in the window, the woman is pregnant. Absence of such line means no pregnancy.

Chinese Gender Predictor Chart

This chart, said to be over 700 years old is made use of to predict baby gender. It matches the mother's age with the month of conception. The point of intersection predicts the gender of the baby. Some people can swear about this method but there is no scientific proof.


There are loads of myths surrounding pregnancy. The wedding ring test, the needle tests, the carriage test, the heart beat tests, the weight gain tests... tons of them with no scientific backing. The weight gain test says if the husband gains weight during the pregnancy, the baby will be a boy. What a test? Where is the correlation between a pregnancy carried by the wife and the husbands weight gain. Perhaps the guy is overeating because of the excitement of expecting a baby. These myths just give fun for mothers and fathers.

In conclusion, mothers-to-be should know that pregnancy prediction tests carried out by medics are more reliable than any others. It is their business and they are better left to handle it. Medics believe that besides the methods mentioned above, the ultrasound technique remains a reliable pregnancy predictor. Even at that, they agree it is not 100% foolproof.

For parents who are desirous of having a particular gender of baby the next time, there are natural methods with a very high degree of accuracy which are exhaustively treated here.

Pregnancy Predictor: How Reliable Are The Tests

Jide Omiyale, a grandpa writes extensively on relationship and family living to which he is dedicated. Jide is a researcher, an avid reader, a speaker and also a radio guest. Join him now at where he writes on baby gender selection, pregnancy, mother and baby.

Pregnancy Week 21 Development: What To Expect And One Beneficial Food

On the 21st week of your pregnancy, you can expect a lot more changes to come. Everyday is a new experience. While some women are enjoying their pregnancy, there are others who struggle with the undesirable symptoms of their pregnancy.

What Happens on The 21st Week of Pregnancy?


By this time, your baby should be around 3/4; of a pound and is around 10 1/2 in length. The baby's fluttering movements inside your body become more evident. Her eyelids and eyebrows are now forming and if you are having a baby girl, her vagina is now developing.

Pregnancy Week 21 Development: What To Expect And One Beneficial Food

This week, your baby begins to have a sense of taste. In fact, he can now swallow a bit of the amniotic fluid. This means that your baby also eats everything on your menu.

What Happens to the Mother's Body?

As the baby gets bigger everyday, pregnant women can now begin to notice the presence of stretch marks on their body. These purple, red and pink streaks are pretty normal during pregnancy because the tissues under the skin are torn due to the stretching skin. But of course, not all women have stretch marks. You can only have it if you have gained weight rapidly or your mom have it when she was also pregnant.

By this week, you can no longer mistake the baby's movements for gas. Your baby is actually making a lot of movements in your body. You can now feel the baby twisting, kicking and turning inside the womb. Symptoms such as bleeding gums, backaches, varicose veins, hearty appetites and flatulence are still present. You can also notice that your hair and nails are growing at such a rapid rate.

Being Pregnant...

It cannot be denied that mothers only want the best of health for their babies. Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle is very important in every pregnancy. Pregnant women should be extra careful with the foods they take in during this very crucial stage. A special diet mostly composed of fruits and vegetables is very beneficial in optimizing the health and condition of the baby.

Lemons for Pregnancy

Lemons are probably one of the healthiest foods to eat during the early stages of pregnancy. This citrus fruits brings a lot of vitamins and nutrients which are very beneficial not just to the mother but to the baby as well.

According to research, aside from the nutrients which lemons give, this fruit is also helpful in warding off the undesirable symptoms of pregnancy such as morning sickness. According to the American Pregnancy Association, lemon is effective in easing nausea which is associated with pregnancy. Eating, sucking or sniffing lemons can help a lot in easing queasiness.

Lemons are excellent sources of nutrients such as copper, magnesium, phosphorus, folate, manganese, thiamine, niacin, Vitamin B6, riboflavin and panthothenic acid. Folates are known to be beneficial in preventing the development of neural tube defects in foetus. On the other hand, potassium is an essential mineral which helps in regulating the balance of chemicals and fluids in the body, most especially when the body is expanding in such a rapid rate. Lack of potassium usually results to leg and muscle cramps.

A tablespoon of lemon juice actually delivers 7 grams of Vitamin C, which is around 8% of the daily recommended Vitamin C intake in pregnant women. Lemons are great sources of Vitamin C which is useful in boosting the immune system of the body. Aside from its ability to ward off illnesses, Vitamin C also plays a vital role in promoting tissue repair. Furthermore, it assists the process of cartilage, collagen and mental development.

Lemons contain compounds which can help in reducing one's cravings for salt. When salt is taken excessively, it can result to blood pressure problems and swelling.

Lemons are also known for its antibiotic and antioxidant properties. Antioxidants play a vital role in inhibiting the division process of cancer cells. The fruit actually contains limonoid compounds which are scientifically proven to be effective in helping the body fight against cancers of the lung, colon, mouth, breast, stomach and skin.

Though lemon is beneficial in the body during pregnancy, pregnant women who are experience severe heartburn and gastrointestinal discomfort should avoid taking this fruit as it can exacerbate their condition.

Pregnancy Week 21 Development: What To Expect And One Beneficial Food

Find FREE expert information about the progress of your baby in the 21st week of your pregnancy, on the blog of Merrion Fetal Health. The ultrasound clinic in Dublin has long years of experience in providing state of the art pregnancy scans.