The Truth About Baby Formula Dangers

Did you know that what you are feeding your precious baby after they are born may not be as good for them as what you think? Before deciding on whether or not you are going to feed you baby formula or breast feed, you should do a little bit of research. Most pediatricians agree that breast feeding is healthier for our babies then formula feeding.Have you ever wanted to know the truth about baby formula dangers?

Recent studies have shown that formula fed babies tend to be sicklier then babies who are fed breast milk. The reasons for this are extremely shocking. People who use formula that that comes premixed in a can also comes with that are highly dangerous. According to the Environmental Working Group, liquid infant formula that comes already mixed, come in cans lined with a toxic chemical called bisphenol A, or BPA. This toxin is a component of the plastic epoxy resins that are used to line metal food products.


BPA has been the subject of numerous laboratory test studies, all of which have provided proof that BPA affects both the reproductive systems of animals as well as brain development. If a product is not safe for animals then the exposure of humans to it is not recommended. If your child is fed infant formula, then the only way to reduce their exposure to BPA is by feeding them powdered formula.

Even using powdered infant formula doesn't cut out all risks and dangers. Using powdered formula means having to mix it with water. Most people, who choose to use powdered formula, mix the formula with regular tap water. Tap water is dangerous because of the possibilities of it carrying contaminants. Twenty-four out of twenty-five areas that were tested were found to have drugs and chemicals in their water.

When using tap water to mix powdered formula you run the risk of exposing your child to chemicals such as pesticides and nitrates. Some mothers fall victim to the theory that by boiling tap water you sterilize it and therefore make it safer to use. This is a common misconception. By boiling tap water you increase the concentration of Nitrates in the water.

Aside from exposing you child to potentially harmful toxins, you should also know that infant formula does not have to be approved by the FDA prior to it being marketed. The requirements that the FDA calls for prior to the distribution and marketing of formula is that it must meet federal nutrient requirements and that prior to being marketed the manufacturers register with and provide the FDA with a notification prior to marketing the formula.

Take everything into consideration before deciding on whether to breast feed or formula feed your new baby, and remember just how dangerous infant formulas can be.

The Truth About Baby Formula Dangers

Author Lucinda Pryse enjoys writing about various topics, including sports, health, and education. Visit her latest web site at where she shares tips about buying a stainless steel work table.