How to Deal With a Child With a Learning Disability

A learning disabled child needs help and parents should provide it through patience, love and proper knowledge. It is important that parents understand that a child's learning disability is not a hindrance for a happy childhood. It is the duty of parents to discover the strengths of the child and nurture them to build self confidence. A learning disabled child needs protection but parents must also determine situations when the child has to be left independent to discover his or her talents and skills.

The signs and symptoms of learning disability vary from one child to another. Thus, the methods of handling each child also differ. Here are some general tips for parents of children with learning disability:


Develop skills, interests and talents

A learning disability is not the totality of the child. A parent must understand that every child has potentials for optimum development and a learning disability should never be a hindrance to achieve this goal. Seek the help of experts in finding ways to discover the skills, interests and talents of the child. After knowing what the child desires, parents can research on methods on how to encourage the child to reach his or her potential.

Don't expect too much

Teaching a learning disabled child would not be easy so be prepared to adjust lessons according to the child's abilities. Do not expect that the child will understand basic concepts immediately. Lessons and even daily activities need to be explained step-by-step until the learning disabled child fully understand the concept. Repetitive discussions are to be done. Parents are advised not to expect too much but rather focus on the small accomplishments of the child with learning disability.

Practice discipline

A child with learning disability still requires discipline. A parent must carefully explain the rules and the consequences. The child must understand that the rules are set for his or her own benefit. Moreover, a parent must also provide enough space for the child to explore and gain independence.

Encourage curiosity

Some studies revealed that a child with learning disability is a lazy learner. Encouraging curiosity is a healthy way to help a child take interest in learning. Parents should show enthusiasm in every day occurrences and even in simple and ordinary things to encourage curiosity. Do a research on creative activities to do together with the child.

Create a schedule for storytelling

Reading may be difficult for some learning disabled children but parents can encourage interest through it. It can also be a quality bonding moment between the parents and the child. A parent can encourage participation through question and answer. In some cases, a child may be asked to retell the story based on his or her own understanding. This is a beneficial way to know the level of understanding of a child with learning disability.

Involve a learning disabled child in the daily family life

A learning disabled child should not be contained in his or her own world. He or she should be included in the daily activities of the family. It is advantageous for the child to feel that he or she can share in basic household chores. A learning disabled child may find it enjoyable also to discover that he or she can be trusted with a small responsibility in the house.

How to Deal With a Child With a Learning Disability

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